Harnessing Energy
Business Consulting & Coaching
Article Title
By Zack Tomlin, April 17,2024

You're brain isn't built for this, digital overload
Planning your day
Know your client (3-way matrix)
Non binary answers (normal distributions and left brain thinkers)
OCEAN Personality Dimensions, We're not all the same
Gibsonian Affordances, Blue zones (forces to walk, eat healthy, relate, etc), Plinko board (path to the bottom, gravity), Incentives
What makes a good system
Robert E Lee, build the dam with the current
Childhood interests, Mastery Robert Greene
Mental hammocks, local minimums
Worst - Spinning plates, building a house vs conducting an orchestra, growing a garden, natural ecosystem - Best (easiest).
Mechanical vs biological systems (dead vs alive system participants)
Human nature, personality (roll the stone up hill or downhill? fight the current?)
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